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25 Years of 

We have the know-how you need.

MOM Related and Other Audits


Image by David Arrowsmith

Mandatory Services

ISOCert is part of the list of accredited SAC-Aos providing Workplace Safety And Health (WSH) Auditing Services Acceptable To The Occupational Safety And Health Division (OSHD)
Construction Site

Construction worksite

Audit Criteria:

Requirements for the Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS), 2020 version

Image by Eduardo Cano Photo Co.

Oil refinery or petrochemical plant / semiconductor wafer fabrication plant / chemical manufacturing plant / pharmaceutical plant / bulk storage terminal

Audit Criteria:

SS 651:2019

Image by Eduardo Cano Photo Co.

Risk Management Audit*

Audit Criteria:

Code of Practice on Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Risk Management


All Enterprises

*bizSAFE Risk Management Audit


SAC-CT 17 specifies the SAC criteria for accreditation of Auditing Organisations (AOs) and refers to ISO/IEC 17021-1 - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. Click on the button below to view the requirements and manday required for different types of audits.



SAC-CT 17 

Image by Danist Soh

Audit Process

Typically, an audit comprises of Preparation, On-site Audit and Report Writing.


In preparation, the audit team may carry out document review of the organisation's management documented information to determine whether the documented information meets the audit criteria and identification of any additional documents needed for review. The preparation also includes planning for the on-site audit


The audit team will basically carry out the following during the audit.


Opening Meeting

Commencing Audit

Closing Meeting


The audit team leader will provide a written WSH Audit report for each audit to the client. Such report will be provided with identified opportunities for improvement without recommending specific solutions. Client will receive soft copy of the WSH Audit report within 5 working days and Testimony of Audit (only upon request).

Image by Chris Barbalis

Processes for handling complaints



  • ​Upon receipt of complaint, ISOCert will confirm whether the complaint relates to auditing activities that it is responsible for and, if so, will carry out investigation before deciding the next course of action. If the complaint relates to an audited client, then examination of the complaint will consider the effectiveness of the client’s audited management system.


  • ​Upon receiving any complaint, ISOCert will be in contact with the complainant to gather necessary information pertaining to the complaint and carry out the investigation accordingly. All information related to the investigation will also be recorded. Where necessary, the case will be made known to the Director of ISOCert to carry out the investigation together. Upon successful investigation with root cause identified, follow up correction and corrective actions will be introduced for closure.


  • ​The process and outcome of investigation will be subject to requirements for confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.

Writing an application

Reference to auditing and use of marks


Clients are to conform to the following requirement upon receiving the WSH Audit Report from ISOCert:


  • Does not use or permit the use of the ISOCert ’s audit report or testimony or the ISOCert mark in communication media such as the Internet, brochures or advertising, or other documents;

  • Does not make or permit any misleading statement regarding the audit;

  • Does not use or permit the use of an audit report or testimony or any part thereof in a misleading manner.

Image by Kenneth Koh

Contact us to book an audit today!

ISOCert Pte Ltd

 Tel: +65 6659 0810 / 9475 5120

Light Bulb

Information requests


All information requests are to email to Relevant personnel will review the request and reply to the requester accordingly. Where required, Director of ISOCert will be consulted before replying to the requester.

Other Services


Other MOM Mandatory Audits such as:*

  • Applying for Ministry of Manpower Overtime Exemption

  • Applying for Workplace Safety & Health Council Annual Workplace Safety & Health Performance Award (SHARP Award & WSHPA audits)

  • SHMS Audit

  • Risk Management Audit (bizSAFE 3 & bizSAFE STAR)

  • BUS Programme Audit


These audits are conducted in accordance with respective industry guidelines, code of practices and/or related Workplace Safety & Health legislations depending on the requirement.


Management System Second Party Audits

We do conduct second party in-depth audits on the client’s management systems in accordance to international recognised standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, amongst others. Our clients principally engage us to conduct internal audits on their existing management system as part of preparation for external audits by the other Certification Bodies other than ISOCert.


Supplier/Contractor/Vendor Audits

Reputable organisations usually have stringent Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety selection and evaluation requirements for their suppliers, contractors and vendors. Our auditors are usually engaged by such organisations representing them to audit their suppliers, contractors or vendors in accordance to the organisation selection and evaluation requirements.

Book an audit with us today!

ISOCert Pte Ltd

Tel: +65 6659 0810 / 9475 5120

Send us an enquiry 

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