About Us
Endorsing Business Excellence.
ISOCert Pte Ltd is a Singapore based professional Management System certification and auditing organization which was established in 2016 to provide services in Asia, headquartered in Singapore. ISOCert 's network expands to Malaysia, Indonesia and India.
Our management is unique, as it is made up of individuals from different backgrounds with one common aim; to provide quality certification services. Our organization has a combined experience of over 25 years in the QEHS industry, and our team is focused on delivering our services to our client effectively without compromising on quality and integrity, leaving them with ultimate confidence in our certification.

Our Mission
To add value to our client's existing business by providing reliable and accurate assessments in management systems in a timely yet efficient manner whilst maintaining the highest standards of professional integrity and quality in our work.
Our Vision
To be recognized as the leading, trusted brand in the professional certification services.
Why ISOCert?
Our team of qualified professionals offer transparent and accountable audits. Our top priority is to continually improve client organization’s management system which enables them to achieve new heights of business excellence.
We are proud to be one of the approved professional auditing firms under Ministry of Manpower, Singapore. We are also one of the few 100% locally owned management system certification body accredited by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC), a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
Our qualified and experienced assessors have both local and international recognition in their respective fields such as IRCA, IMEA, Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Environmental Agency (NEA) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
ISOCert Specialty
MOM Approved WSH Officer & WSH Auditors, with management system exposure (QMS/EMS/OHSMS)
Auditors trained in Business Continuity Management System
​Auditors trained as Registered Fire Safety Managers (FSM), providing value added services in Fire Safety Area, In-Place Protection and Emergency Response Plan
Auditors formally MOM approved trainers, now WDA approved trainers for Risk Management Training & other related experiences.
Impartiality Policy Statement
ISOCert Pte Ltd understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its auditing / certification activities. We place the utmost value in managing conflicts of interests to ensure the integrity of our auditing / management system certification activity is maintained, all without compromising on the quality of our audit / certification.
Code of Conduct
ISOCert Pte Ltd has established code of conduct which places it's certification personnel under the obligation to commit to their code of conduct.